Thursday, 28 November 2013

The CCTV Traffic Wardens: Caught on Camera

Hello my love telly watchers, how are you?

True to their mission, Channel 4 provides, what I believe to be some of the best, most diverse and informative television of our time and then they also manage to shove a bit of what I like to call 'background viewing' into their busy schedule as well. You know the kind of stuff that's on but you're not really paying attention and when someone asks if you watched it last night you have this massive dilemma as to whether to tell them and admit you have a sad existence, or continue to suffer in silence as you secretly, desperately want someone to talk about it with. Yeah? No? Just me?

Last Monday, Channel 4 broadcast it's new sort of fly on the wall documentary about the dedicated traffic wardens working to help keep the roads and double yellow lines of Bristol City under control. We learnt that Bristol has some of the worse congestion rates outside of London and the new mayor was on a mission to somehow stop people from using their cars in the city centre. Yeah good luck with that mate. My highlight of this programme was the delightful Pat who was just bloody awesome! She was in a legal battle with the council who fined her for parking on the side of the road in a bay only meant for short periods of time when you are loading heavy items into your vehicle so that she could pick her dinner up from the local chippy. Pat's argument was that because she is a pensioner she feels she was entitled to park in the bay and was using it correctly as she has difficulty carrying things to her car.

Now I'm not saying I necessarily agree or disagree with Pat's actions or reasoning but her personality was more than enough to have me as putty in her hands. She literally marched down to the traffic warden's office and asked them what the hell they thought they were doing. She asked them how they were going to reimburse her money to which the man was like 'well if we do we will put it on your card' to which Pat retorted 'not so much of the if!' such a sassy lady. Pat also asked if she could have a cuppa whilst she waited but unfortunately was told they had no provisions in the office - obvious lie. This was not a good move on the part of the council who missed out on a lovely cake that Pat had made for them - gutted!

Basically, I don't really have much of a point to this post. I suppose it would be wise of me to say never assume that a show on the most basic of subjects won't be entertaining. It doesn't all have to be about spies and shooting badies and major over the top gore and action scenes all the time. Sometimes it can just be about something as simple as an elderly lady fighting against the council for a cause she believes it. Disappointingly Pat didn't get her money back. I'm think of starting a protest group - 'Power For Pat'  or even better 'Parking For Pat'.


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